Radio ShowHybrid Theory 036

Radio Show, 07/06/2014 à 12:51 | 1241 views

This is the podcast of the 36th episode of "Hybrid Theory" listen to it online or grab your copy of the episode (check the link below).

Hybrid Theory 036 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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Radio ShowHybrid Theory 035

Radio Show, 31/05/2014 à 15:08 | 1915 views

This is the podcast of the 35th episode of "Hybrid Theory" listen to it online or grab your copy of the episode (check the link below).

Hybrid Theory 035 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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Radio ShowHybrid Theory 034

Radio Show, 31/05/2014 à 15:04 | 1983 views

This is the podcast of the 34th episode of "Hybrid Theory" listen to it online or grab your copy of the episode (check the link below).

Hybrid Theory 034 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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Radio ShowHybrid Theory 033

Radio Show, 01/05/2014 à 22:30 | 2211 views

This is the podcast of the 33th episode of "Hybrid Theory" listen to it online or grab your copy of the episode (check the link below).

Listen Online:

Hybrid Theory 033 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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Radio ShowTranceplorations 04/2014

Radio Show, 24/04/2014 à 21:49 | 1531 views

Here is the podcast of Tranceplorations 04/2014. Grab your own copy of the episode and dont forget to tell me what you think about the show on my facebook fan page.

Listen Online:

Tranceplorations 04/2014 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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Radio ShowHybrid Theory 032

Radio Show, 22/04/2014 à 20:03 | 1681 views

This is the podcast of the 32th episode of "Hybrid Theory" listen to it online or grab your copy of the episode (check the link below).

Listen Online:

Hybrid Theory 032 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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Radio ShowHybrid Theory 031

Radio Show, 27/03/2014 à 20:17 | 1633 views

This is the podcast of the 31th episode of "Hybrid Theory" listen to it online or grab your copy of the episode (check the link below).

Listen Online:

Hybrid Theory 031 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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Radio ShowTranceplorations 03/2014

Radio Show, 18/03/2014 à 20:29 | 1820 views

Here is the podcast of Tranceplorations 02/2014. Grab your own copy of the episode and dont forget to tell me what you think about the show on my facebook fan page.

Listen Online:

Tranceplorations 03/2014 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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Radio ShowHybrid Theory 030

Radio Show, 06/03/2014 à 19:40 | 1752 views

This is the podcast of the 30th episode of "Hybrid Theory" full on trance uplifting! Listen to it online or grab your copy of the episode (check the link below).

Listen Online:

Hybrid Theory 030 by Iceuponfire on Mixcloud

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NewsPoing Mort - Short Movie

News, 23/02/2014 à 21:37 | 3862 views

Comme vous avez pu le constater sur facebook j'ai récemment composé 2 pistes "Scar Tissue" et "Caught In Wire" pour le court métrage "Poing Mort" réalisé par Sara Recoules et produit par MidiCiné, en collaboration avec Mind Production et Prod'Art Video. Celui-ci est maintenant disponible librement au visionnage sur youtube. Si vous appréciez n'hésitez pas à partager, liker et faire tourner la page

SYNOPSIS : Suite au décès de sa mère, le jeune Matteo se retrouve seul. Il se consacre alors à sa passion : la boxe. Un jour, il apprend que Vasco Riani, ancienne gloire de la boxe, vient de signer dans son club de boxe. Matteo essaie alors de créer un lien entre lui et son nouvel entraîneur. En effet, Vasco ne lui est pas inconnu et sa rencontre va faire resurgir de vieux souvenirs. Entre haine, incompréhension, déchirement et douleur, Matteo n'en a pas fini avec son passé.

I recently created 2 tracks for the short movie "Poing Mort" titled "Scar Tissue" and "Caught In Wire". The short movie is now available on youtube in french. You can listen to the track on soundcloud and pretty soon download it on my website as free giveaway. Like it? Share it!?